On May 28th, a 3 year old boy fell into the gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo. Luckily, the boy survived the fall and was rescued by zoo staff who, fearing a tranquilizer dart would only enrage and further endanger the child, shot the 17 year old gorilla, Harambe, dead. Almost immediately, (after their identity and photos had been revealed) there were calls to punish the parents and “justice” for Harambe. I have watched over the last 3 days as this family has been dragged over the coals by those on social and traditional media with the mother being called everything in the book from “idiot” to “bitch”, with a good sprinkling of racial epithets thrown in, as well. I’m kind of stuck on this one as being a parent I have seen how quickly a child, especially a 4 year old, can move when they really want or are attracted to something. Have you ever tried to get a child away from the candy area of the checkout aisle in the grocery store? Should she have has a better eye and handle on the child? Of course. On the other hand, as they say “chit happens”, so I’m not ready to crucify a mother whose child got away, a common occurrence. A few seconds is all it took and a few seconds is all it takes for disaster to strike but it wasnt like the child was out of hand for 15 minutes while she smoked crack behind the funnel cake cart so… Again, while I will chide to keep a better eye on your child, I’m not going to crucify….unless, as suggested but not verified, she was busy on SnapChat *angry-like-a-mf face emojI* Personally, I don’t believe in keeping pets or caging animals for show and it seems like the rest of the world might be catching up so maybe it’s time to shut some…or most…of these zoos down. Kids have the internet, virtual-reality and every damn thing else to watch these animals in their natural habitat now, a huge improvement from the View Master slides of my day, and the animal can get some rest, dignity, puxxy and everything else he’s been missing, while in the Concrete Jungle. Besides, I can imagine how being housed and gawked over every day could feel
As I said, the story has unfolded over the last few days and I started seeing patterns emerge that only happen when Black folks are involved. Namely, by Monday, two days after the incident, the arrest record and criminal history of the child’s father (who was not even present at the zoo when the incident occurred) was revealed and county officials weighed whether to charge the parents…with God only knows what. I tell you, only in America can Blacks be the victim of a tragedy and yet end up being the ones pilloried with your records and identity exposed to the world and facing charges (see every Black person arrested for anything from whenever time!) and only the state of Ohio has the fokn hubris to announce that they are investigating to possibly press charges. Wait, isn’t this the same state that found that six officers were justified in shooting at a Black couple 137 times through their windshield, killing them, after car chase precipitated by the officers, after they said they were shot at (turns out it was just a car back-firing)?
The last officer to fire in that case, Mark Brelo, stood on the hood of the car, after it had stopped, and fired into the faces of Malissa Williams and Timothy Russell, summarily executing them. Isnt this the same state that found Timothy Lehman, despite a mountain of evidence of at least procedurally foking up, had done nothing wrong when he leapt from his police cruiser and shot 12 year old Tamir Rice within seconds of exiting? I’m absolutely fokn certain it’s the place where John Crawford III was shot and killed by over-agressive police responding to a call that someone was carrying a rifle through a Beaver Creek Walmart, pointing it at and threatening people. Turns out, however, that it was a toy, air gun and surveillance footage showed that not only did he not point it at anyone, he was killed by police within seconds of being seen by them. Shot as he turned to run away. Just for chits and giggles, I guess, they treated his girlfriend like less than that same chit afterwards when they somehow ended up interrogating her for them murdering her boyfriend. That’s par for the course, as far as policing in Ohio, apparently, just ask Tamir Rice’s sister . Did I mention the city attempted to sue the family for the ambulance ride…necessitated by their officers murdering their son? The killings of Rice and Crawford are even more dubious as Ohio is an open-carry state. Meaning, law-abiding gun owners can carry and bear their arms. Where was/is the outrage over these human deaths??? This law was not written for toy guns or Blacks, evidently.
Add the callous, heartless mfs in Ohio to NY, Florida and an ever growing slate of places where it’s apparent that you’re not only not welcomed but put your Black axx at great harm and can kiss away any protection under or from the law and city and state officials. To my family and friends living and visiting there, hold your heads! The family of the 4 year old is being investigated and state and animal welfare people are investigating the zoo to make sure that the gorilla enclosure, moat, barricade and all surrounding areas are up to code, natch. Too bad the animals who are calling for a mother, whose child escaped death or serious bodily harm, to be charged because zoo officials followed their own, prescribed protocol can’t be investigated. Most of these same folks were silent with the death of a 12 year old or an innocent man, out shopping with his sweetheart. How much could they really have loved or even respected the gorilla or his life, keeping him captive? Then again, what more needs to be found about that mentality that can’t be gleaned from this and the above cases? Fok Ohio, young. You know that outside of using it as an opportunity to attack a Black family, they didn’t care about that gorilla for real, for real and he would have been to blame, had it not been a Black child.